Data Visualization

2 min readMar 23, 2021


1. What is Data Visualization?

Today, more and more companies are using machine learning to analyze large amounts of data. And while it is important to be able to perform the analysis quickly and effectively, it is also crucial to provide information that can be easily understood.

Data Visualization can be an effective way to successfully explain data to those who do not have a background in data science. If the results of a complex algorithm are presented as visuals rather than an array of text and numbers, it will be much easier to understand and gain insights from the data.

2. Importance of Data Visualization

Humans tend to largely rely on vision among the five senses. The same applies when looking at data, as people tend to look for visual aids to understand information. When it comes to understanding data and gaining insights from it, the right visuals can be of great help.

There are many examples where data visualization can help in real life. When trying to find a way with real-time navigation, the current road situation is often indicated by color. Traffic jams are shown in red, while roads with light traffic are shown in blue. This enables a more immediate response than when traffic is expressed in text or numbers alone. In most cases, visualizing the data in charts or graphs as well as colors can help viewers’ understanding.

3. Data Visualization with CLICK AI

The following example is a visualization of bank customers’ churn rate results. This model predicts which customers will take their business elsewhere based on bank customer data. It visualizes the difference between the two distributions by showing the distribution of the balance and age of churning and non-churning customers, making it easy to see at a glance where the gap lies.

